Monday, March 4, 2013

CSC165 Slog week7

This week, the professor lead us to study several proof cases. Firstly, we learnt proof about limits. That example make me very confused.From an existential quantification, I am not sure how to pick a number which satisfied the requirement from the question. Then the professor told us to calculate y^2 - pie^2 first and then find out the scope of that number we should pick. Therefore I finally figured it out under professor's guidance. Afterwards we learnt how to prove by cases.The question is: for every natural number n, n^2 + n is even. A natural approach is to factor it as n(n+1), and then consider the case where n is odd, then the case where n is even. Because both cases are proved to be true, the statement is true. Moreover, we learnt some new things like allowed inference and sorting strategies. For inference, I knows how to make conclusions by studying conjunction elimination, existential instantiation... For sorting strategies, I found that the steps required for insertion sort and selection sort on lists of size n were no more than some quadratic functions of n. They are all in O(n^2). When counting costs, we learnt that we should always consider the worst case. To conclude, the professor gave us several examples of counting steps.

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